
    1. your contact details

    Applicant / Owner of a trademark

    2. Your request

    Representation of the trademark

    International application

    Similarity search (recommended)

    Please send us documents - if available - that could be important to the matter:

    3. Your order

    Trademark Attorney Fee

    * Please note: All prices are quoted net in EUR plus VAT and in case of trademark registration plus official fees. The non-binding offer applies to entrepreneurs/companies and public institutions. Our GTC.

    4. Place an order

    You can send us image data via e-mail.

    You can give us the above information by telephone, fax or e-mail. Should the standardised application form not fit to your requirements, do not hesitate to describe your matter in our contact form or to contact us in any other way which you prefer.

    Please note that the lawyer’s remuneration amounting to 175 EUR (inc. VAT) applies to the trademark application in Germany. You can apply for a European or international registration by means of the above application form; lawyer’s remuneration in this case amounts to 275 EUR (in case of CTM) or 285 EUR (in case of IR), inc. VAT.

    If you wish any other services from us, we shall like to make you an offer.